Knesset members

Far-left MK Ofer Cassif responds to protester with death threat

Cassif scuffled with police after attempting to raise a Palestinian flag in Jerusalem's Old City.

Israel's Knesset to hold Judicial Selection Committee vote on June 14

The committee will be required to appoint a woman to one of each of the roles, including justices, Knesset members, ministers, and Bar Association members.

March with us to honor Israel’s 75th anniversary in New York - opinion

This year's Celebrate Israel Parade will be held in New York City on June 4.


Is the Israeli government, budget actually in peril? - analysis

The budget must pass by next Monday, May 29. If it does not, the Knesset automatically disperses and an election is called.

Hadash-Ta'al head Ayman Odeh to leave Israeli politics

"Thank you all from the bottom of my heart," he wrote on Facebook. "I have decided not to run for the next term of the Knesset."

The road to Israeli politics may begin with protests - analysis

Of the country’s 22 previous chiefs-of-staff, all of whom were lieutenant generals, all but three have gone into politics.


Oppose judicial reform, olim group urges Canadian Likud MK

Canadian Olim said that “you claim to be our voice in the Knesset. Now is the time to stand up for the Zionist vision that has inspired thousands just like us to make Israel our home.”


Incapacitation Law passes after overnight Knesset debate

Several members of Knesset were absent from the vote, including Mansour Abbas (Ra'am), David Amsalem (Likud) and David Bitan (Likud). 

Likud's Tally Gotliv sanctioned for blaming Chief Justice Hayut for terror attack

Gotliv will not be able to speak during the next two Knesset plenum sessions on March 22 and March 27, and in Knesset committee for three days.

Is Bibi Netanyahu a golden calf? - analysis

MIDDLE ISRAEL: Like the French, English, and Spanish civil wars, Israel’s is also animated by a royalist elite

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